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yellow submarine

yellow submarine

Yellow Submarine是Ringo Starr主唱的一首歌,收录于英国摇滚乐队The Beatles1966年专辑《Revolver》。

“yellow submarine”问答

Yellow Submarine歌词翻译

最佳答案 yellow submarine黄色潜水艇in the town where i was born 我镇 lived a man who sailed to sea 住着水手 and he told us of his life 告诉我 in the land of submarines 潜水艇事情 so wo sailed up to the sun 于我乘船海向着太阳 till we found the sea of green 直我找碧蓝海 and we lived beneath the waves 我波浪住 in our yellow submarine 住我黄色潜水艇 we all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine 我都住黄色潜水艇 we all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine 我都住黄色潜水艇 and our friends are all on board 我朋友都住面 many more of them live next door 隔壁 and the band begins to play 乐队 始唱 we all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine 我都住黄色潜水艇 we all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine 我都住黄色潜水艇 as we live a life of ease 我着简单 everyone of us has all we need 我切我想要 sky of blue and sea of green 空蓝 海碧绿 in our yelllow submarine 黄色潜水艇 we all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine 我都住黄色潜水艇 we all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine 我都住黄色潜水艇 we all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine 我都住黄色潜水艇 we all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine 我都住黄色潜水艇

yellow submarine相关问答

“yellow submarine”相关新闻推荐

TI5公开赛 Yellow胜Pub获欧洲预选赛一席

TI5国际邀请赛欧洲区公开赛 Yellow Submarine以2-1战胜Pub夺得欧洲区预选赛最后一席,Yellow Submarine在1024支队伍里面脱颖而出,可见实力不俗,恭喜Yellow Submarine!

U.S. unmanned submarine nearing halfway to Spain

BEIJING, July 14 (Xinhuanet) -- An unmanned yellow submarine of the U.S. Navy is nearing the halfway mark in its effort to travel from New Jersey ...

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Yellow Submarine是遍布日本的动漫周边连锁店,新宿GAME SHOP店则专注于卡片游戏。登陆3DS的《卡片战斗先导者》和《游戏王ZEXAL》是这里的重头戏,当然也少不了“东方...

Yellow Submarine

As the captain of the Yellow Submarine you are exploring the seas looking for treasure and trying to avoid the dangers including sea monsters and ...

The Beatles Yellow Submarine Adventure

The Beatles Yellow Submarine Adventure演员表为您提供最准确的演职员信息,包括导演,编辑,男女主角,主要演员等详细信息尽在电影网The Beatles Yellow Submarine ...

The Beatles联名 Vans推出Yellow Submarine 联名别注系列

为了纪念这支伟大的乐队,Disney 公司今年也特别重制了创作于 1968 年的经典动画电影《Yellow Submarine》,讲述了四人在海底的历险经历,以动画的形式继续「Fab Four」...

The Beatles Yellow Submarine Adventure电影基因

The Beatles Yellow Submarine Adventure电影基因电影基因是电影中包含的情感、情节、风格、角色、发生时代、发生地点等因素。 当你认为某个电影基因符合或不符合某部...

花儿全国4强黄夕倍《Yellow submarine》

花儿全国4强黄夕倍《Yellow submarine》来源:青海卫视 发布:2011-11-15 10:55:50 时长:03:08 播放数:0 评论数:0居中观看 0 0 ... 反馈 新浪微博 ...

The Beatles x Vans「Yellow Submarine」主题系列【图】

美国滑板品牌 Vans 今季以英伦著名乐团 The Beatles 的经典动画《Yellow Submarine》为题材,推出全新主题系列,在 Era,Authentic,Slip-On 及 E

Beatles《Yellow Submarine》

Beatles《Yellow Submarine》2010年01月27日16:33腾讯音乐我要评论(0) 字号:T|T Beatles《Yellow Submarine》 [责任编辑:cassjin]...

“yellow submarine”相关微博

  • kxfkx 2024-04-24 02:25:39 来自 专业版微博

    告诉你雪儿姐姐,计划有没有可行性,还有妈妈为什么总三天两头来找我的驴?(遛狗 应该 掌握好节奏 yellow submarine yellow submarine yellow submarine)

  • wancheechee 2024-04-24 02:52:18 来自 专业版微博

    係最開心既時候就會⋯⋯ We all living in yellow submarine ~yellow submarine~yellow submarine lalala

  • 软橘子汽水 2024-04-24 02:18:57 来自 专业版微博

    夜里睡不着的时候总以为自己漂在海上。非常远的地方。什么都没有只有海。说起来有点绝望。每到这种时候总会想起beatles的yellow submarine并且期待远方等我的有一只黄色的软软的海牛。

  • igggggggg 2024-04-24 02:45:36 来自 专业版微博

    We all live in a yellow submarine

  • 超级麻忻豆Joan_ 2024-04-24 02:12:15 来自 专业版微博

    Sabati normali che iniziano come "Yellow Submarine" che poi diventano bombe a mano quando senti "LSF" ⛔

  • TheFewCoffee 2024-04-24 02:38:54 来自 专业版微博

    tanzania grinder testing@thefewcoffee yellow submarine.

  • 邓五五D 2024-04-24 02:05:33 来自 专业版微博

    昨天梦到和在单位吃饭正巧跟领导一桌,夹菜都怯生生的,大家都叫他王Sir,确实是个有领导气场的颇有魅力的叔叔级人物,他电话响了,我一听还纳闷怎么铃声是California dreaming这歌,我之前的手机铃声,现在换成yellow submarine。既然是梦,就没要紧的了。

  • 恺_Namaste 2024-04-24 02:32:12 来自 专业版微博


  • 2024-04-24 02:58:51 来自 专业版微博

    #上海车展#你最期待哪位明星的活动开奖咯!恭喜以下同学:@好男儿0391@pu-guu@恺_Namaste@天下是朕的天下@头头人生@红魔正能量@想剪短发的长毛丫头@秋在我心@Lu蓝乐雪然@不以物喜C@壹th_喆@_叠歌烙_@狼啃的菲尔@小回最漂亮@我凯凯凯凯凯凯凯@怎扰zyd@cc_曼联 请将姓名、电话和地址私信给汽车君吧!

  • Patricia-Chin 2024-04-24 02:25:30 来自 专业版微博

    逃课出来看比赛 不就是膝盖吗全部给黄潜了 We all live in the Yellow Submarine.